- Interior Painting Services
- Exterior Painting Services
- Commercial Buildings
- Schools & Universities
- Industrial Properties
- Home Owners Associations
- Apartment Complexes
- Shopping Centers
Transform your home with residential painting from our crew. We offer full-service interior and exterior painting for isolated areas or entire homes.
Spruce up your business with commercial painting . American Painting paints everything from warehouses to assisted living facilities to meet your needs.
Find out why we're the right choice for interior and exterior painting by contacting us at (855) 206-9569 for an estimate request.
American Painting is a full-service interior painting and exterior painting company serving the greater San Francisco Bay area that serves residential and commercial customers. We've been in business since 1976 and are known for our prompt, reliable services.
Since our bicentennial business inception, American Painting has provided customers with excellent painting service for over 3 decades. We are fully licensed and insured. Whether you need interior painting or an exterior building facelift, American Painting is the right choice for you. Local references are available to help you decide.