American Painting (510) 525-7220
Property Managment & Real Estate
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Give Your Home A Beautiful New Look
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Quality Professional Painting
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Make Your Home Look Great Again
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Make Your House Your Home Again
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Make Your House Your Home Again
American Painting (510) 525-7220
Give Every Room A Make Over
Residential Painting in the East Bay Area
Give your home a whole new look with residential painting services from American Painting. We're based in Pinole, California, and serve customers throughout the area. Contact us now to ask for an estimate.
Exterior Home Painting
During exterior painting, American Painting offers two-stage surface preparation that's far superior to mere hand-scraping and sanding in terms of durability and overall appearance. Then, we apply paint and full coat coverage to ensure that there are no breaks in appearance, giving you a professional finish with no lap marks, "holidays," or missed spots. Painting is available for both stucco and wood siding.
We use debris containment methods to protect you and your family from dangerous lead particles and to keep unsightly paint chips from littering your yard. Plus, our contractors complete exclusive "PowerPoint 200" caulking and sealing to protect your wood trim from dry rot and premature peeling.
Interior Home Painting
During interior painting, American Painting uses a scuff sanding process on your interior doors and trim, using a power vac to prevent dust from contaminating the area. This ensures the maximum adhesion of finishing coats before we apply the custom colors of your choice. Throughout the process, carpet, wood floors, tile, and fixtures are covered to protect your home's appearance.
Call us at (510) 525-7220 to schedule residential painting services for crisp color contrasts in your home.
Services We Provide
- "House Remodel" - Residential Painters
- "Exterior Paint Fading" - Painting Contractors
- "Property Rentals" - Industrial Painting Company
- "Realtors Association" - Commercial Painters
- "Interior & Exterior" - Painting Contractor
- "Stains & Special Coating" - Residential Painter
- "Stucco Repairs" - Residential Painter
- "House Renovation" - Residential Painter